ICPR-AEM & QIEM 2018 is the traditional regional conference in the fields of production research, quality and innovation that facilitates the meeting of mature and recognized researchers with young and aspiring ones. In this context, the meeting will incorporate both presentations and round-tables with a broad scope in this area.

Proposing as vision:

Viable solutions for today’s industrial production integrating a breakthrough vision for a digital sustainable future

The submitted papers are encouraged to address particularly, but not exclusively, the following main identified research challenges:

  • Digitalisation and virtualisation from industry towards daily life;
  • Smart products and production in smart cities and ecosystems;
  • Advanced manufacturing: technologies and solutions for production;
  • Robotics and AI from emerging reality to production assets;
  • From IoT through IoE to a connected world: developments, benefits and risks;
  • Innovation as the main competitive engine in production engineering and management;
  • Product and production quality: more flexible, customised and faster to a dynamic market;
  • Servitization and extended product business models;
  • Data and analytics sustaining intelligent decision-making in uncertainty conditions;
  • Cleaner, safer and sustainable solutions for products and processes;
  • Entrepreneurship for innovative products and production;
  • Delivering skills for people in a fast-changing industrial environment.